This is a place which closely connected with the events of the Second World War and with the Great Stalingrad Battle – it is the glorified Mamayev Hill with its “memorial complex “To the Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle”.
Prevailing over the main part of the city, Mamayev Hill is marked on the maps as Height-102,0 and it was the main chain in the system of defense of the Stalingrad front. It also turned out to be the key position in the fight for the banks of the Volga. Fierce battles took place here during the last months of 1942. The ground of the hill was plowed up by bombs, missiles and mines. The soil got mixed together with the fragments of metal. This is the place of the numerous human losses… Right here, in the area of Mamayev Hill, on the 2nd of February of 1943 the Stalingrad Battle was finished.
The name of Mamayev Hill, according to the legend, comes from the name of a Tatar military commander Mamay.
Along the serpentine, in the ground of the hill, there was made a reburial or the remains of 34 505 soldiers - defenders of Stalingrad, and also there can be found 35 granite tombstones of the Heroes of the Soviet Union, participants of the Stalingrad Battle.
Two ruined walls frame these five-marched stairs. The authors of this project had an idea of building two huge walls forming a corner and joining in perspective – so imagined ruins of the constructions demolished under the long firing and numerous bombing, damaged by the mines and automatic shooting – these walls witnessed the vigorous battles of the winter of 1942-1943. The spirit of the Stalingrad Battle and emotional mood of its participants are expressed in the images of the ruins and sculptural compositions.
Theme of the left wall shows the oath of the Stalingrad Defenders – “Not a single step back!” and the theme of the right wall is the Stalingrad Battle itself – “Moving only forward!” Ruined walls are equipped with the sound system, which plays songs of the period of war, news from the front line and reports of the information bureau.
In front, the Square of the Heroes is framed by a huge supporting wall with a strongly carved drawings on the topic of heroic battle of soviet soldiers and celebration of the victory over the invaders.
The Statue is the centerpiece of the Mamayev Kurgan museum complex in Volgograd, built to commemorate the World War II Battle of Stalingrad, a key turning point in the War. The statue stands atop Mamal Hill, the site of the battle's most intense fighting.
tapi actually banyak lagi story yang rai nak cerita nie..kebanyakan nye yang pahit je la... haha... so nanti rai akan citerkan semuanya next entry k.. malas nak tulis panjang berjela2.. nanti korg jemu lak membaca... hik2..
8 budak2 comel:
nanti mau p sane
tapi vanice dlu
hik2... yup..cantik volgo nie.. hehe... owh..nak p venice dlu ke...
sume patung2 yg ada kat situ..
badannye sume mantap2 kan..
mst zaman2 dulu dorang minum power root ngan kacip fatimah manyak2...
yeke cerry berry cengitu??
byk tol scupltor.... best jer kn..?
menarik dan cantik
sy nk g vanice dlu! hehehe yeke volgo cantik?? nnti leh la bw sy jejalan kat sana k. muuaaahhhxxx
wah sgt2 best!!!tp sgt penatkn ..?
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